Preparing for your newborn session
Hey there, congratulations on that precious little one you’re carrying – what an exciting journey you’re on! I can see you’re gearing up to book your newborn session, and I’m here to lend a helping hand. As a Sacramento newborn photographer, I’ve got some tips to ensure your newborn session goes off without a hitch and makes life a whole lot easier for you.

Before the Session:
- Outfit Planning: First things first, let’s talk about what you’ll wear (or even better, consider letting your photographer handle this!). As your due date approaches, the last thing you want is the stress of outfit planning. Does your photographer offer a client wardrobe? Trust me, it’s a game-changer, Mama. With so much on your plate during this season of life, leaving this to the photographer ensures you’ll have gorgeous, coordinating outfits that photograph beautifully and are prepped, steamed, and ready to slip into.
- Hair and Makeup: Let’s talk about hair and makeup – and trust me, you won’t regret this. Some photographers can recommend talented hair and makeup artists in your area. Even better, some include this as part of their experience! It’s completely normal to have self-conscious moments during pregnancy and the postpartum period – I totally get it. That’s all the more reason to invest in hair and makeup on the day of your session. You want to feel stunning and self-assured as you walk past those framed memories on your wall for years to come. This is an investment in feeling amazing and loving how you look in those lasting photos. No regrets here!

- Day of Your Session:
- Feed Baby: On the big day, make sure your baby has a full tummy just before the session starts. This might involve waking your little one or adjusting their feeding schedule for the day. Trust me, it’s worth it! A well-fed baby is generally a content baby. Try to keep your baby awake for about an hour before the session begins; this will make it easier to soothe them to sleep and keep them snoozing through the session.
- Prepare Your Home: If your session is an in-home lifestyle shoot, prep your living space. Select a couple of rooms with the best natural light, clear away clutter, and tidy up. Less is more when it comes to decor – it keeps the focus on your beautiful family and creates a stunning backdrop for your photographs.
- Get Siblings Ready: Lastly, let’s set your older siblings up for success! Steer clear of screen time just before or during the session. Designate Dad or another family member to keep the kids happy – cater to their needs and play with them so they’re having a blast even before the session kicks off! Pick a photographer with ample experience working with little ones who knows just how to coax out those genuine smiles and giggles. Trust me, those are the moments you’ll want to treasure forever!

Is there a little one on the way? Let’s connect and schedule your Sacramento newborn portrait session today!